國際青少年領導峰会暨演講大賽,由CBU領袖培訓中心, CBU文理學院,內陸華美協會,湖北同乡会加州总会,南加州華人委员会共同主辦,目的是為青少年提供以下機會:
- 展示他們對當今世界領導力的重要性的理解,並分享他們自己经历的发挥领导力的故事;
- 通過參加著名大學教授的輔導研討講座,學習不同有关領袖的·理論和实例,并在此過程中加強表达和溝通能力;
- 提高研究和寫作能力,傳遞領導力演講的內容;
- 與不同行業的領軍人物建立聯繫和感情,使青少年演講者受益於這種聯繫,為他們未來的就業方向和領導定位提供條件。
Toni Kirk, Ph.D.
Professor of English
C. S. Lewis Foundation
Local Branch President
Michael Marse
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
Coach-Speech & Debate
Berniece Bruinius
Alspach, Ph.D
Associate Professor of English
John Shoup, Ph.D.
Professor of Education
Executive Director,
Leadership Institute
James Lu, Ph.D.
Professor of English, Chair,
Department of Modern Languages and Literature
Gayne J. Anaacher, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy
Dean of the College of Art and Sciences
哈金(Ha Jin)是第一个获得美国国家图书奖的华人作家,美国艺术文学院院士。哈金获得的獎項如下:
弗兰纳里·奥康纳短篇小说奖(英语:Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction) (1996)
海明威奖(英语:Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award)(1997)
古根海姆奖 (1999)
美国国家图书奖 (1999)
福克纳小说奖(英语:PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction) (2000)
亚洲奖 (2000–2002)
汤森德小说奖(英语:Townsend Prize for Fiction) (2002)
福克纳小说奖 (2005)
文学和平奖(英语:Dayton Literary Peace Prize) (2012)
Dunn holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Oberlin College, a Master’s Degree from the University of Southern California, an education degree from UCLA, and a College Counseling Certificate from UC San Diego. He is one of only 300 Certified Educational Planners or CEPs in the world, and a member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association as well as the Western, National, and International Associations for College Admission Counseling. He is a faculty consultant to the Advanced Placement Program for the College Board, and he has served on the Counselor Advisory Board at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. He is the CEO of Youdao International Education LLC.